UK Fleet Safety: Why Connected Dash Cameras Are a Must-Have

Are you considering investing in connected dash cameras for your fleet vehicles?
Are Connected Dash Cams a Wise Investment?
The Cost of Hesitation
The Best Time for Action
It's common knowledge that in-vehicle technology, including telematics, GPS, and fleet management systems, are indispensable for businesses with fleets. But, it's critical to weigh the initial costs against the possible long-term returns.
You might be wondering, "Is it time to add camera technology into the mix?" or "When should I invest?"
If the price tag is giving you pause and the advantages seem unclear, rest assured you're not the only one.
The dilemma of the right investment time for this tech puzzles many UK businesses. We're here to shine a light on the matter by assessing the merits of such an investment and helping you figure out if now's the perfect time for your enterprise.
Are Connected Dash Cameras a Wise Investment?
For companies operating lorries or light commercial vehicles, understanding the ROI of any new investment is essential. Here’s why fleets across the UK are fitting their vehicles with connected dash cameras:
- Video evidence that safeguards drivers and the company from unfounded complaints and deceitful claims.
Cutting down on insurance costs due to a safer claims record. - Swift and economical resolution of at-fault claims.
- Encouraging safe motoring practices through monitoring and feedback.
- Identifying and tackling root causes behind an uptick in road incidents or grievances.
- Implementing additional accountability for new or non-professional drivers.
- Leveraging the GPS functionality for efficient field operation management.
- Providing peace of mind.
Many fleets on British roads are already reaping the benefits of connected dash camera technology, with companies like Krispy Kreme Doughnuts experiencing striking outcomes.
Since the integration of SureCam, Krispy Kreme noted a staggering 80% drop in the frequency of incidents and over 40% reduction in paid motor fleet claims within half a year.
Imagine reducing your own claims-related expenditures by 20%, 40%, or even 80%. For numerous firms, the savings significantly eclipse the initial dash cam outlay—a compelling reason to consider the investment.
The Cost of Hesitation
Another important consideration is the potential cost of delaying this investment. With the climbing figures of insurance and claims expenses, many UK fleets view connected dash camera systems as a necessity rather than a luxury. It often takes just one contentious claim or one drawn-out legal dispute to justify the entire expense of the camera installation.
Initiating this tech safeguard in advance could ultimately lead to substantial savings, eclipsing the initial investment cost.
The Best Time for Action
Juggling numerous priorities is par for the course in fleet management, covering technology upgrades, recruitment, and vehicle upkeep. The consensus among SureCam’s UK-based clientele is clear—the sooner the cameras are installed, the better.
When you’re ready to safeguard your fleet, your equipment, and your drivers, take the first step toward dash cam installation. SureCam makes it easy and affordable to get started with flexible agreements. Our dash cam rental options that help you get up and running for a fraction of the cost while our dash cam purchase options help you secure lower monthly service charges. A SureCam solution specialist can walk you through the options and help you decide which agreement is best for your business.
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From family-owned to household names, smart businesses choose SureCam.